Add Note Button

Used by:  Notebook.

* Does not use the Style Settings tag.

Creates a button on the page that operators may click to add a note to the associated Notebook. Two versions of the button are available.

Configuration options for the button are as follows:

Button Label

Enter the text that will be displayed on the button. If the option, "Show a +" is selected, no label will be shown, regardless of the contents of this field.

If the label is to include an ampersand (&), enter two ampersands (&&).

Tool Tip Label

Provide text for the tool tip that will be displayed when the operator moves the cursor over the button. The associated Notebook tag name will also be shown - the name to the upper right and the tool tip to the lower right.

Show a "+" rather than label

When selected, the button shows only a plus symbol (as illustrated above).

Basic Components\Specialty\Notebook\

Tag Types\Data Logging & Reports\Notebook\