
(VTScada Layer module. Obtain LayerRoot using the following script-only statement: )

    LayerRoot = \System.GetLoadedAppInstance(GetGUID(0, \LocalGUID));
Description: Reports whether the application has been started and the start-up process is complete. (All tags are running, etc.)
Returns: Boolean
Usage: Script or Steady State
Function Groups: Configuration Management
Related to: AppIsStarted | AppIsStarting | Start | IsAppEditable | GetAppInstance | GetLoadedAppInstance | GetOEMLayer
Format: LayerRoot.AppIsRunning()
Parameters: None
Comments: The similar functions, AppIsStarting and AppIsStarted, will return TRUE before this function will. \LayerRoot may be acquired using one of GetAppInstance, GetLoadedAppInstance or GetOEMLayer.


  If LayerRoot.AppIsRunning() && !Initialized;
   { All tags are loaded. Do initialization. }
   { ... }
   Initialized = TRUE; 