
Deprecated. Do not use in new code.

Description: Sets the VTScada screen coordinate limits (also called "world coordinates") used by the graphics functions.
Returns: Nothing
Usage: Script Only.
Function Groups: Graphics,  Window
Related to: CoordToPixel | Window
Format: Coordinates(Left, Bottom, Right, Top)
Required. Any numeric expression giving the x screen coordinate of the left side of the window.
Required. Any numeric expression giving the y screen coordinate of the Bottom side of the window.
Required. Any numeric expression giving the x screen coordinate of the Right side of the window.
Required. Any numeric expression giving the y screen coordinate of the Top of the window.
Comments: Left cannot equal Right, and Top cannot equal Bottom. Left, Right, Top, and Bottom can be any floating point values including fractions. When this statement changes coordinate limits, all active graphics statements are automatically redrawn. It may be useful for setting screen coordinates to match device coordinates, or to ensure the screen coordinates are set correctly when working with different video modes.
If you wish to set to pixel coordinates you may do so using this statement or it may be simpler to set the window option to pixel.


Coordinates(0, 349, 639, 0);

This sets the screen coordinates such that (320,175) is the center of the screen. If VTScada is running in EGA resolution (640 x 350) then one screen coordinate is the same as one pixel.