
(Alarm Manager module)

Description: Decommission an alarm by name.
Returns: Nothing
Usage: Script Only.
Function Groups: Alarm
Related to: Commission
Format: \AlarmManager\Decommission(AlarmName)
Required text.

Unique name for the alarm. Typically the unique ID, which can be obtained using GetAlarmName.
If there are multiple built-in alarms in a tag, the convention is to concatenate the UniqueID with a separator and a unique integer or string per alarm. For example, Concat(Root\UniqueID, \AlarmSeparatorString, 0).


An alarm tag that is deleted without being decommissioned is referred to as an orphaned alarm. VTScada will removed orphaned alarms automatically, but it is better practice to specifically decommission the alarm


The following would typically be found in a tag's Refresh state.

    IfElse(Valid(Name), Execute(
                      { ... Alarm commissioning code ... }
       { Else }