
(VTScada-Layer function. Must be called with a leading backslash.)

Description: Returns an array of either the common names or the module names of all tag types. May optionally include the list of tag groups.
Returns: Array
Usage: Script Only.
Function Groups: Basic Module
Related to: PointList | GetTagList
Format: \GetTagTypes([GetGroups, GetModuleNames])
Optional Boolean. If set TRUE, the list of tag groups will be retrieved and returned at the end of the list of types. Defaults to TRUE.

Optional Boolean. If set TRUE, this function will return module names rather than the display name for each type.

If set, Groups will be invalid. Defaults to FALSE.

Comments: This function is used to populate a selection list of types.


Create a dictionary of tag types and how many running instances there are of each type

GetTagCounts [
  If 1;
    TagTypes = GetTagTypes(FALSE, TRUE);
    Counts   = Dictionary();
    I        = 0;
    WhileLoop(I < ArraySize(TagTypes),
      Counts[TagTypes[I]] = NumInstances( LocalScope(Code, TagTypes[I]));