
(VTScada Layer module. Obtain LayerRoot using the following script-only statement: )

    LayerRoot = \System.GetLoadedAppInstance(GetGUID(0, \LocalGUID));
Description: Returns the file system path to the application's working copy folder.
Returns: Text
Usage: Steady State only.
Function Groups: Configuration Management
Related to: GetOEMLayer |
Format: LayerRoot.GetWCPath
Parameters: none

The retrieved path includes the trailing backslash.

For most programmers, it is extremely unlikely that you will need to work with files in the application's working copy.


Obtain the working copy path for your application

Init [
  If 1 Main;
    LayerRoot = System.GetLoadedAppInstance(GetGUID(0, \LocalGUID));
  WC = LayerRoot.GetWCPath();
Main [
  ZText(100, 100 { Lower left corner of text },
        WC { Text to display },
        0 { Text is black },
        0 { Use default font });