
Description: Displays a web browser at the given position in the current VTScada window.
Returns: Web Browser Handle (#VTypeWebBrowser)
Usage: Steady State only.
Function Groups: Graphics
Related to: WebBrowserNavigate
Format: WebBrowser(Left, Bottom, Right, Top[, InitialURL, ProfileID, PrivateMode, EnableJavaScript, EnableContextMenu, AllowedURLs])
Required numeric. The left edge of the web browser window.
Required numeric. The bottom edge of the web browser window.
Required numeric. The right edge of the web browser window.
Required numeric. The top edge of the web browser window.

Optional text. The initial website address to display when the browser is initialized.

Not steady state responsive (the value is used only when the web browser is initialized).


Optional text. Data folder name for the current WebView2 profile. Defaults to "Default". Recommended setting is a combination of application GUID and account ID so each user has their own profile.

Not steady state responsive.


Optional Boolean. Specifies whether a private WebView2 profile should be used. If ProfileID is invalid this is forced to TRUE. If ProfileID is valid, defaults to FALSE.

A profile folder will be created under the ID even if this parameter is set TRUE, but that profile will not be used for the web browser instance. Has no effect on the Anywhere Client. Not steady state responsive.


Optional Boolean. Enables or disables JavaScript. Defaults to FALSE (disabled).

Not steady state responsive.


Optional Boolean. Enables or disables the default context menu on the VIC or thick client. Defaults to FALSE (disabled).

Has no effect on the Anywhere Client. Not steady state responsive.


Optional, a list of domains and paths that are permitted to be displayed in the web browser.

The entries in the list must include the protocol, likely "https://www." for most sites, and a trailing '/' (ex: https://www.mysite.com/). The list is line-delimited with CRLF line endings. Any paths defined under the most general specified entry will be allowed (ex: https://www.mysite.com/some/path/ will be accepted if the earlier example allowing the root path is in the Allowed URLs list).

Not supported on the Anywhere Client. Updates in steady state.


This is used by the Web Browser widget.

To use this tool on either a thick client (workstation) or the VIC, the workstation requires the optional WebView2 component, which is built on the Edge browser from Microsoft. (The Anywhere Client does not require WebView2 to be installed.)
If WebView2 is not installed, it can be obtained by running the VTScada or VIC installer and selecting the option to install WebView2. Alternatively it can be downloaded from Microsoft, via the Evergreen Bootstrapper Installer or via the Evergreen Standalone Installer for machines with restricted access to the Internet.