
Do not use characters that could also be part of account names as the NameSpaceDelimiter. For example, a dot is typically part of an account name for any system using Windows Authentication.
While several characters are legal, you are strongly advised to use a colon, which will work dependably in all situations.

Required to specify the characters that will be used to separate security groups from account names. If NameSpaceDelimiter has a valid value, then group security accounts are enabled for your application (see "Security Namespaces").

Security groups enable the subdivision of the user base into "super users" and "group users". The primary application is for realm-area filtering.

The GroupLogin property is also part of security group configuration, and must be enabled before users will be able to enter a group name while signing in.

Section:  System(1)

Default =

(1)In legacy applications, this property was defined in the <SecurityManagager-Admin> section. It will work in either section, but the System definition takes precedence.