[SlippyMapRemoteTileSourceN] Section

Part of Setup.INI, in your installation folder.
This property is not part of the Application Configuration dialog.

In legacy versions of VTScada, SlippyMapRemoteTileSourceN was a variable. It is now a set of numbered sections (where N is 1, 2, 3...) containing several variables.

Do not edit tile sources from CARTO, unless you are removing those sources. CARTO maps are supplied by licensing agreement and include an API key that is unique to each VTScada installation. API keys cannot be shared.

Only Trihedral can encrypt API keys. If using your own custom APIKeyValue, it will have to be stored in plain text, and APIKeyEncrypted set to 0.

Several map sources are provided with VTScada. You may add more, change the URL for any source, or remove sources.


URL1 = https://enterprise-a.basemaps.cartocdn.com/rastertiles/voyager/
URL2 = https://enterprise-b.basemaps.cartocdn.com/rastertiles/voyager/
URL3 = https://enterprise-c.basemaps.cartocdn.com/rastertiles/voyager/
URL4 = https://enterprise-d.basemaps.cartocdn.com/rastertiles/voyager/
Label = MapVoyagerLabel
APIKeyName = api_key
APIKeyValue = SAsfaFFKUUVfARJM2LzyE7d1LkENJ6udok5vmwejZWSoOe7glZ7zYSqJPLI3P3UP/
APIKeyEncrypted = 1
BulkDownload = 1
CopyrightURL1 = www.openstreetmap.org/copyright
CopyrightLabel1 = © [OpenStreetMap contributors]
CopyrightURL2 = https://carto.com/attribution
CopyrightLabel2 = © [CARTO]
Default = 1
BGColor = <FFC0C0C0>
Extension = .png

Properties within this section:

URL1, URL2, ..., URLn

Required. One or more URLs for downloading map tiles. Only provide more than one URL if the map tile provider has more than one server. The URL can use one of the following two formats:


With this format, the URL will automatically be extended to http://a.mymaps.com/path/z/x/y.png when retrieving a tile at z/x/y.


In case the URL does not conform to the z/x/y format, the URL can contain placeholders that will be replaced by the appropriate values. The available placeholders are "%Z", "%X", "%Y" and "%KEY". The %KEY placeholder can be used instead of the APIKeyName property, such as https://a.mymaps.com/path/%Z/%Y/%X?api_key=%KEY.


Required. Label of the map style that shows in the style selector


Name of the API-key parameter in the URL. The API-key name and value are automatically appended to the URL as an HTTP parameter if specified. This is not applicable if the %KEY placeholder is used.


The actual API key. Note that only Trihedral can encrypt API keys. If using your own this must be stored in plain text.


1 if the API key has been encrypted. 0 otherwise. Note that only Trihedral can encrypt API keys. If using your own this must be set to 0.


1 if bulk download is allowed for the map source. Defaults to 0.

CopyrightURL1, CopyrightURL2, ... , CopyrightURLn

Copyright links.

CopyrightLabel1, CopyrightLabel2, ... , CopyrightLabeln

Copyright text that shown at the bottom right corner on the map page.


1 to make this the default map style. Defaults to 0.


Map window background color. Defaults to light gray.


Format of map tiles. This may be either .png or .jpg, with .png as the default if not specified.


GUIDs of applications that may have access to the map source. Separate by comma. Omit this field if the map source is public to all applications

Do not skip numbers when defining tile sources. If you have [ SlippyMapRemoteTileSource1], [ SlippyMapRemoteTileSource2] and [SlippyMapRemoteTileSource4], then only the first two will be available for users to select.