System Properties - Setup.ini

There is another properties file to know about: Setup.INI. This contains properties that apply to VTScada as a whole, rather than to any individual application1. Some of these are intended for the use of system integrators, to allow them to customize the overall appearance of VTScada. Others affect VTScada operations such as the use of XML features or the response to pending UPS battery failure.

Changes you make to Setup.ini will not be over-written by subsequent updates of VTScada. This differs from the behavior of VTScada prior to the release of version 12.

Comments (if provided) must be on a following line, and must begin with a semi-colon.

Refer to the side menu for the listing of properties in this section.

Settings within Setup.INI will be read only when VTScada starts. The following sections are included:


A listing of the applications in the VAM. It's best left for VTScada to manage, especially if you have custom lists.


Properties that you can use to customize VTScada. These include the following:


When set to 1 (true) the initial splash screen animation will not run when VTScada starts.


When set to 1, the VAM will not display. Use with caution! This can be helpful when an application has been set to auto-start and you want to ensure that no-one at the customer's site has access to the VAM. Before using, make certain that one application has been set to auto-start and that it contains a security account that possesses the privilege, Application Manager View.

"HideWAM" is a carry-over from the days when it was the "Web Application Manager" not the "VTScada Application Manager". It still exists for backward-compatibility, but you are advised to use "HideVAM" for custom code that will change the setting.


System-wide properties including the following examples apply to your UPS:

OrderlyShutdown         = 1
  ; Enable / Disable orderly shutdown
ShutdownOnLowBattery    = 0
  ; Shutdown VTScada when windows reports battery as "low"
LowBatteryPercent       = 10
  ; Shutdown VTScada when battery % is less than this amount
LowBatteryTime          = 15
  ; Shutdown VTScada when battery time (minutes) is less than this


Properties that can be copied to an application, but will otherwise affect all applications. Most relate to synchronization timing or behavior of the version control repository. Notable properties in this section include:

AutomaticDeploy = 1
  ; All changes are automatically deployed when this flag is non-zero
RepositoryCommentMinLen  = 0
  ; Minimum number of characters required for repository comments
RepositoryCommentDisable = 0
  ; TRUE to disable prompting for repository comments


Properties that relate to the VTScada Internet Connection, including the folder path to the monitor log file.


Theme definition codes. Modify the existing themes or create your own. Each theme definition used the following format:

Theme   =   ThemeName, Hue Offset, Saturation, Brightness, Contrast

For example:

  Theme =   Grey, 0,0,1.1,1
  Theme =   Navy,-15,2,0.7,1

To create a new theme, you will need a paint program that can represent hue as a wheel, where 0 is blue. The hue value for the theme is the offset clockwise or counter-clockwise around the hue wheel.


Properties related to data collection for debugging.


Data type definitions for supported SQL programs



FileExtensionClasses and TextFileExtentions work together to help define which files within an application folder can be added to the file manifest and what type of file each is, based on the extension.


Files that may not be removed from the manifest.


Relevant to those using the VTScada Anywhere Client or the Excel Add-in. See: Domain Aliases (CORS)

Add any domain names or IPs that are used in connection URLs and that are not already included in the server list for the VTScada Thin Client. Set each domain name to 1.

[Clients-AdditionalAllowedOrigins] = 1


Maps fonts used in VTScada to file files.


Maps timezone names used in VTScada to Windows timezone names.


Resources accessible via HTTP without authentication


Server lists to choose from when adding a new service in the Edit Server Lists panel.


Where X is a number that must increase incrementally from 1 for each defined tile source. Defines the location and other required information for tiles to be used in a slippy map.