
(RPC Manager Library)

Description: This module enables setting the network priority configuration during runtime.
Warning: This statement should be used by advanced users only. It will affect all applications on the local workstation.
Returns: A wait object instance.
Usage: Script only.
Function Groups: Network
Related to: GetSubnetPriority |GetLastUsedSubnet | GetPreferredSubnet
Format: SetSubnetPriority([Address])
Optional. Invalid, or an array of strings containing the CIDR representation of the RPC subnets in the order of the desired network priority configuration.

Any setting done through this module is lost on restart of VTScada.

The behavior of SetSubnetPriority is undefined until the returned wait object goes invalid.

The provided values are expected to be valid CIDRClosed Classless Inter-Domain Routing format strings. Overlapping subnet addresses are not supported, and have undefined behavior. If a value of Invalid is provided, the network priority configuration of the system is cleared and RPC will return to a round-robin configuration.